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etc. 2023
Time: The Unexplainable Journey
Aug 12, 2022
Written, Shot & Edited By Jediah Currie
Special Thanks to Carter Hyndman
In this short experimental documentary, Jediah Currie tries to wrap his head around the idea of time. In three segments focused on the present, past and future. You see how time effects objects, people and memories leaving you just as confused about time as you were going into the film.
People Featured:
Jediah Currie, Tanner Currie, Tania Seagrove, Priya Currie, Caleb Smith-Young, Carter Hyndman, Jake Oates, Noel Berardine, Connor Rimkus, Evan Goudreau, Jacob Mayhew, Sarah Schmidt-McQuillan, Chrysa Balaka, Arvid Kuitert, Pippy & Stanly
If the universe is a book you must engage with the story to be apart of it. To be apart of the story you must move forward with the narrative. "With Earth's first Clay they did, the Last Man's knead And then of the Last Harvest sow'd the seed; Yea the first Morning of Creation wrote what the Last Dawn of Reckoning shall read." - Omar Khayyam
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